Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Teddy Bear Show 2010

Today I got to go to the San Diego Teddy Bear Show! It was held in Mission Valley at the Sheraton Hotel. Molly got to see her dear friends Janis and Krys who traveled quite a distance to take part in the fun! There were three rooms filled with bears and dolls and so much more! Come along with me!

Here we are - oh goody, oh goody!

This bear was kind enough to offer us directions!

He was a big feller but such a nice and helpful bear!

After Molly paid my entrance fee, the kind man stamped my hand so I could go wherever I'd like!

He even gave me his microphone to make a few announcements. I wasn't nervous - well, not too much!

Oh my stars! Look at this big tiger!! He looks so fearsome but he was really just a giant pussycat!

He took even took me on a ride around the room!

There were some very lovely bears at this table. I stayed and talked with them for a while.

Such a strong resemblance, don't you think?

When I got tired of walking around, I took a break. Ryan let me use his iPod touch to check my e-mail.

Molly adopted some new friends! Oh I am so happy to bring them home to meet their new family!

This young feller was handmade with love by a bear company called "Whatabear". The man who set up the adoption was so very nice! He was glad that Molly was bringing him to such a lovely home!

This is Mozzarella! Isn't she a cutie patootie?

I even got something out of the deal - a brand new sweater!

And such a grand lady indeed! She even has shoes, something you only see on the more fancy bears!

This little guy is very, very little but he's got a big heart!

And I simply couldn't come home without something for Lancelot! I bought him this fun teddy bear vest!

We had such a lovely time. We can't wait for the show to return to San Diego in August and next January!

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